The Product

Everyone wants to leave good and loving memories to their loved ones when they pass away. A lot of people do not have the tools to do this. The Pluk Levens Geluk app makes this possible in an easy way. When the app is finished, you can share pictures, text and videos of memories with friends and family. These posts are placed on a timeline called the “lifetree”. Because you don’t want to share certain memories with all your loved ones you get the option to choose who to share each memory with. You can also leave “future messages” for people. For example, if a person is terminally ill and knows they do not have much longer to live, they can leave a message for a certain date in the future for a person. For their kid’s 18th birthday for instance. This app also hopes to break the taboo around death that is still present in today’s society. A lot of people might be hesitant to sharing memories in this kind of context, because it makes you face your mortality. This makes a lot of people uncomfortable. However, people who know they do not have much longer to live, want nothing more than to leave their loved ones with memories of them. They want to continue to be there for their loved ones, even after they have passed away. This is what the Pluk Levens Geluk aims to accomplish.

The Customer

We started off with a meeting in Amersfoort. The decision was made to schedule weekly meetings, and later on, in the process, we decided to meet once in a sprint. A sprint was 2 weeks. The communication went well. Often we struggled to explain the technical aspects. The reason for this is that some aspects on the back-end needed a lot of background information the customer, logically, did not know. This did cause some friction in the communication because the client wasn’t able to see the progress the back-end made. Communicating went mostly through Slack. We loved the idea of the project, and really enjoyed working on the project. Especially the fact that we got the opportunity to create a solid foundation. The positive energy and feedback through the meetings, even though the fact that we weren’t able to show our progress, was also a thing we really enjoyed and made working on the project a lot of fun.

  • Keep the customers involved in the process
  • Software Engineering requires you to write code through your customer's eyes
The Team

Our team consisted of 7 people from 3 different study programs. At the start of the project we needed some time to get to know each other and divide the tasks according to the different strengths and weaknesses of the individual students. After laying out the plans for the entire project together, we decided to split the group into a backend and a frontend. These two groups worked on the project independently while keeping close contact to know what the other group was working on and to make sure we keep working towards the same goal. Both the front- and the backend had a group “leader” who was responsible of keeping both groups working efficiently on the project. At the end of the project we integrated the front- and backend into a single product. During working hours we made sure to keep communication between the group members on topic and to the point, but outside the working hours we frequently had fun together and actually became friends during the project! The team made working on this project a lot more enjoyable.

The Technologies