JLPT Website

The Product

Since Leiden University is the only place in the Netherlands that host the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Our solution is a new website that is a user-friendly online platform that will help anyone in the Netherlands to prepare for and register for the JLPT exam and to get in touch with the other applicants to share experiences with each other. The new website will allow the applicant to prepare well for the JLPT exam by providing the applicants with the suppliers of JLPT education materials. It will allow the applicant to register easily for the exam and to get in touch with the other applicants to exchange their knowledge and experiences. The theme of the new website will match the user-friendly theme of Leiden University website.

The Customer

The relationship with our customer was great. He had a lot of technical skills already so he understood our product well. This made it easier to discuss certain implementations and choices we made. The customer was also our teaching assistant for the course. So, question about the course were immediately clear for us. The communication was also pleasant and the collaboration went really well.

"Working in a group of different disciplines is educational", "A well-planned project is half the work"
The Team

Our team existed out of three computer science students, throw bio-informatics and one I&E student. This way we had more dynamic and we were able to distribute the tasks towards each of the group members their skills. For example, making the backend was more for the CS students whilst the communication and consultancy part was more for the I&E student. Because of this, each group member was committed to their part of the project and the sprints went really well due to everybody doing something in their skillset.

The Technologies