Quantum Rules!

The project

QuantumRules! brings the quantum world to high school student and their teachers, using real-life experiments in an engaging environment. An online web application already existed and was made to enable more interactive activities. This system allows the user to create an escape room with puzzles and questions.
Our project was to develop some new activities, in the shape of modules for the existing system These new modules contain several topics in the quantum world, and applied them in a gamified way. The new modules were based on Quantum Tic Tac Toe (like normal Tic Tac Toe, but with extra quantum properties), Quantum Teleportation ('teleporting' quantum information), Condensed Coding (transmit two bits of information using one qubit) and BB84 (secure communication using quantum cryptography).
We weren't able to fully create these modules in programming code, but have made design documents to give a full overview of all the elements what each module would need. These documents include pseudo-code of several components, designs for lay-outs and an explanation of the fields the database would need. We hope the design of these modules helps teachers and high-school pupils to further understand quantum physics.

The customer

Our customer was Henk Buisman, a physics teacher working at Leiden University. He provides information to teachers and students about modern physics and studying physics. Using Microsoft Teams and Slack, the communication between our team and the customer was easy and quick. We had meetings at least every two weeks on Teams, with some module-specific meetings outside of this.

"Make sure you know enough about the technologies used."
The team

Our team consists of seven bachelor students of Leiden University, from the studies Bioinformatics and Computer Science and Economics. Since quantum physics were rather abstract for all the team members, we had to find more information to be able to work properly on this assignment. After this, we were able to quickly organize our project into several teams, one for each of the four different modules we had to develop. By keeping these teams small, we achieved a high level of collaboration and creativity (within the team and with the costumer). We had a sprint meeting every two weeks, where the progress on each module was presented by the smaller team working on it.

The technologies