Geographical data visualization

The project

Our product allows the customer to import geographical data points and display them on a map. The product is set up to be modular, so it can be altered to work with any data set. In the final representation, filters can be applied to data points. Additionally data points may be selected on the map and can be exported as a separate CSV file.

The customer

Our customer was the Inspectie Leefomgeving en Techniek (ILT), a Dutch government organization. PhD candidate Gerrit-Jan de Bruin from Leiden University was the contact person with whom we communicated on a weekly basis. Several time, we met his colleagues at ministries in the Hague and Utrecht to discuss progress and receive feedback on demos.

"Working on a larger project has made it clear to us how spending a little more time on planning, communication, and documentation can save a lot of time later in the development process."
The team

Our team consisted of five Informatics students. With the lack of a Informatics & Economics student, it took us a little more time to get acquainted with proper business practices and structure.

The technologies

The main product is built with Python using Dash for modeling. Dash is a framework for analytical web applications and modeling graphical representations. The map we used to display our data points on is acquired through Mapbox, an open source mapping platform.
For data processing and storage, we have used MySQL.