Thesis grading

The project

Our application makes the thesis assessment process a lot easier for professors. It gives the assessors the ability to create assessment forms online in a simple and sleek web application. This removes the obstacles of having to edit templates in Word and send them around by email. The assessors are able to log in using their ULCN account and either create a new form from a range of templates, or continue working on an existing form. They can invite second assessors either from the University or another company. Once they are done with a form, they can generate a pdf and grade letter with the click of a button.

The customer

Our customer is Dr. Kristian Rietveld, a researcher and lecturer at LIACS. He was available for meetings every two weeks, which worked well with our sprint planning. He was also open to technical input, such as discussions about what database systems. His feedback as always very constructive and the meetings went smoothly.

"Working for a real client makes the project feel much more valuable and real in development"
The team

We started working on the project with the team as a whole, but as the project progressed we separated the team according to areas of expertise. One CS and Economics student took the role of scrum master and helped with front-end and back-end tasks. Two other teams of three CD students developed the back-end and front-end. The team dynamic went well. We performed a sprint retrospect at the end of every sprint and based our next sprint planning on that.

The technologies