Innovations in eHealth

The project

We created an app called ‘Pace Yourself’ for people with chronic pain. By using our app, they can learn to 'pace', which means that they learn how the level of pain of a certain day relates to the activities done that day. The user of our app is then free to share this with their physician to take further actions.

The customer

Our client was Katja Kloβ, a master student in health psychology. She designed the idea for the app in a master's course, and we helped her to realize this vision.

"We learned the importance of communicating in Software Engineering."
The team

Our team consists of a variety of nationalities which makes it fun to work together. We learned a lot from each other in multiple ways. Our weekly meetings were always with tea and some other thing such as kruidnoten and noodles. Working together went smoothly, we could count on each other's various expertises.

The technologies